



Click here for 2021 Governor Guide Click here for 2022 Governor Guide

Advocating for music in schools

In this free webinar, ISM Research Associate Dr Jodie Underhill and music educator Jenetta Hurst share their advice to help music teachers make the case for music in their schools and communities.

The Scottish Strategy for Music Education from MEPG (2022)

This 2022 strategic plan is a refresh of MEPG’s 2020-25 strategy TACKLE inequity REALISE potential CHANGE perceptions.

National Plan for Music Education in Wales

On 17 May 2022, The Welsh Government release their National Plan for Music Education. Find out more about the plan in our collated list of resources

National Plan for Music Education 2022: The Power of Music to Change Lives – England

In this resource we have compiled resources and additional information relating to the National Plan for Music Education 2022: The Power of Music to Change Lives.

#CanDoMusic Discusses the Model Music Curriculum

Watch a recording of the webinar hosted by the’partners leading the #CanDoMusic campaign on 26th April in discussion of’the new Model Music Curriculum.

Music Education: State of the Nation Report

Report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Music Education, the Incorporated Society of Musicians and the University of Sussex advocating for all children to have access to a high-quality music education.

Music Understanding

Essential reading for any school leaders and music teachers in schools currently reviewing the nature, purpose and design of curriculum music provision.

National Curriculum for Music 2019

Two revised frameworks (primary and secondary), complete with wall-charts, to help you develop your curriculum, pedagogies and assessment in any setting.

10 Things Schools Should Know About Music

A booklet and blog articles promoting the importance of music education in schools, including posters for display.

The Arts for Health and Wellbeing – Creative Health Report

Report presenting the findings from the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPGAHW) which was formed in 2014 aiming to improve awareness of the benefits that the arts can bring to health and wellbeing.

The impact of instrumental learning on attainment

Research article on the impact that learning a musical instrument has on core academic progress and attainment, focussing on a study of attainment at ages 11 and 16.

Music Education Works Website

Collection of evidence of the impact of music education, aimed at making it easier for everyone who cares about music education to understand the benefits and advocate them.

ISM Take Action Guide

Find out how to effectively engage and lobby your MP. Use the ISM’s practical advice, resources and research to promote music and protect music education.

Write to your school heads/governors/CEOs of academy chains

Use this template letter to outline the risks of cutting back on music and the steps school leaders can take to protect it.