


Setting Up A Virtual Choir

A free download exploring what’s required for setting up your own virtual choir.

Instrument Maintenance Guides’Tutorials and guides to help pupils, parents and carers with instrument maintenance guides.

Tutorials and guides to help pupils, parents and carers with instrument maintenance guides.

Musical Bridges ‘ Transition Programme

The Musical Bridges Programme, originally funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation, provided resources, ideas, case studies as well as a comprehensive programme of transition activity to support pupils’ continuing musical journey from primary to secondary school.

Remote teaching: Software basics

How to offer instrumental or vocal lessons online.

Bring the Noise

Series of educational resources, from films to songs to lesson plans a digital interactive tool.

Composing Music at Home (Children)

Set of composing activities for young people without access to a musical instrument. Inspirations include superheroes, nature, the zodiac, maps, lockdown, graphic scores and found objects. KS1 or 2.

Composing Music at Home (Instrumentalists)

Set of composing activities for young people with access to a musical instrument. Inspirations include code, bird song, clouds, constellations, skylines and stories. KS3 or instrumentalists.

Teaching Music with iPads Training and Workshops

A training programme aimed at being able to teach music with iPads.

Technology in Music Education

Resources for teachers interested in music technology, including blogs, podcasts, news, videos and tutorials.

Friday Afternoon songs

An initiative encouraging young people to sing, commissioning new repertoire every year for children’s voices, with a whole host of resources available for free on the website, including teaching and accessibility resources to help lots people.

Free Blank Sheet Music

A series of blank notation to be downloaded and printed out.

London Sinfonietta Online Activities

London Sinfonietta has created an online offer for families, teachers and young people to listen, compose, and create new music. Become a composer or challenge your family and friends to a high score on our app, there’s something for everyone!

Listening Inspiration

Free resource aiming to help students find pieces to give inspiration and ideas for their own composing activities.

Minute of Listening

Helps pupils develop their creative listening skills. This carefully curated collection of introduces children to a range of music and sounds.

Practical songwritten ideas and inspiring songs – Song Academy

5 tips and tricks to kickstart the songwriting process, plus a playlist of inspiring songs across different genres. Suitable for primary and secondary.